Sunday, November 8, 2015

and just like that….

Ryne turned 8!

I can't believe how fast time is flying with this sweet girl!  She woke up ready to conquer the day!
 First up, presents...

 Next, we left for school early because she wanted to spend her birthday doing 8 RAK!  Love this sweet girl and her sweet heart.  She took in some goody bags to pass out to random costumers and workers.
 We made 8 of them and she passed them out randomly throughout the day...
 We stopped at Panera and enjoyed breakfast together before picking up bagels (and cream cheese!) for the teachers at Ryne's school.  She gave a goody bag to the cashier and she was so touched that she let Ryne pick out a cookie!  Once we got to school Ryne asked if she could give that cookie to the crossing guard.  I just love her!
 loaded up with goodies for the teachers...
 Reese and I ate lunch with Ryne and brought her cake pops for a little classroom celebration...
 then after school it was time for a little cake...

 We played a bit before doing a few more RAK…then we headed to her choice - Star Cinema Grill...

Happiest of birthdays to my first born!  You are the funniest, smartest, sassiest, but sweetest little 8 year old we know!  I am so glad that God picked me to be your mom.  He knew I needed to laugh!  ;)  I cannot wait to see what God has planned for your life…It will be big I'm sure!
I love you to the moon and back!

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