Tuesday, November 24, 2015

our sweet Star...

This is such a hard post.  We received a call on our way back from Canadian.  The owners of the kennel walked in to find Star unresponsive.  We had them rush her to the urgent care animal hospital and told them to do anything they could to save her.  The next couple of hours were filled with lots of crying, praying, and phone calls updating us on her status.  The last phone call was them telling us that she didn't make it.  November 22, 2015...I lost my girl.  I cried the whole way home.  She was mine.  Jeremy bought her for me for Christmas in 2004 and she was a total Momma's girl.  My heart was broken over losing her and it was even worse because I wasn't even there for her when she needed me the most.  She was a very loved tiny dog with a big personality.

These were her last pictures.  The kennel we use isn't like a Vet kennel.  The dogs have play areas and suites.  They update their Facebook page with pictures and had posted these that morning. 
 I'm thankful that she got snuggles while she was there...
 We got home pretty late that night.  The next morning the girls decorated a box for her while Jeremy went to the animal hospital to get her.  He said it was one of the hardest things he has done.  Then he picked up our other two at the kennel.  The owner was there and she was fighting back tears as well.  She told Jeremy that she had loved on her as much as she could on the way to the hospital and while she was there.  I am so thankful that Jeremy made those stops…I couldn't.

After that, we loaded back into the car and went to GranJan and Pops Ranch.  We wanted to bury her somewhere that we could visit and they will always be there.  Plus, it's beautiful.
 We all said our goodbyes to our sweet Star.  Even Belle and Phoebe.  It was such a hard day.

I never knew losing a dog would hurt so bad.  It feels like we lost a person, an actual family member.  But I guess she was our family member.  She was in the center of everything and in my lap any chance she got.  It's weird not to be holding her.   We all miss her.  

Some of my favorite pics on our sweet girl...

Until we see you on rainbow bridge baby girl.

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