Monday, November 23, 2015

Vegas baby...

Jeremy and I made a quick trip to Vegas for the Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon!  It was short but oh so fun! We got in very late Friday night and walked to the expo Saturday morning.

After the expo we walked around exploring a bit...

 We ended up at our very favorite photographer's studio…Peter Lik.  We had to see his new collection for China...
 and we fell in love!  So we bought our souvenir, Christmas present, Valentine's present, birthday presents, etc.  So worth it!  It's beautiful and has great meaning for our little boy.  :)
We enjoyed the walk back to the hotel before calling it a night.

 The next day we just hung out and ate lunch before getting ready for the race.  I somehow didn't take any pictures besides the roof top pool, which we did not get in because it was freezing!
 Then we headed down for the run!
 The weather was getting a bit iffy!  Super strong and cold winds!

 but the run was so fun!  We stopped for lots of pics along the way...

and before we knew it, it was over!
 Such a fun run with my favorite running buddy!
We threw on warmer clothes over our running clothes and booked it back to the hotel.  We had a show to get to!  We made it to our seats minutes before it started…but were so rushed for time that we hadn't had a chance to eat!

 It was an awesome show!  Loved the one legged dancer probably the most though!
After that we walked back towards our hotel in search of food because we were starving! Then I saw these statues and was instantly reminded of my first trip to Vegas in high school!  My cousins and I climbed on these.  Pretty cool!

The next day we slept in and then headed for a yummy lunch at our fav place...

 It's our favorite because of this….frozen hot chocolate...
 we walked around and shopped some...
 and caught a pretty awesome show...

our final pic was a selfie with the hilarious and talented street performers...
We ended our trip with a new tattoo ( I finally added Reese's name!) and a movie.  The next morning we were up super early for a 6am flight!  yikes!  It was a super fun trip!
I love doing life with you Jeremy!

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