Saturday, August 29, 2015

New routine...

We love our new neighborhood!  We love that we can walk Ryne to and from school every day…so cool!
 Reese is always so so excited to pick up Ryne!  She loves and misses her big sis!
 Ryne rides her scooter most mornings.  She loves the hills!   ;)
 Once we get back from dropping off Ryne, we play!  The front yard is pretty much all shaded so we enjoy it while it lasts!

One of Reese's favorite things to do is to hide chalk like Easter Eggs.  She is so stinkin' cute!

 She also likes riding down our little slope…as long as I am there to catch her!  ;)

We love running around the house in socks too!  Pretty much anything I can do with this little ball of joy I am all for it!  ;)

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