Saturday, August 1, 2015

July fun...

Just shopping with a couple super heroes...

 July was fun, and crazy.  We made lots of fun memories, found our next home, sold or current home, got a new roof, and moved.  Yep, pretty busy!  We also played a lot and enjoyed the summer!
 One day the girls set up a dog hair salon!  Belle was their first customer!
 We've spent a lot of time at the library where it is nice and cool!

 if we are outside, we try to be in/around water!

 I mean who wouldn't want to grocery shop with this set up?!
 We enjoy a good quiet time with our pups!
 We got to hang out with Noah P one day!  He loved checking out the big kid toys!
 Demi and Zoey came by to hang out a bit too!

 We also had dental check-ups for the girls...

Everything is still good! Reese so didn't cooperate though so they just looked.
 Ryne taught Belle some new tricks...
 And we checked out Pops where Reese had her first Soda Pop!

 The girls did a little face painting fun…and no, it didn't all come off!
 and we watched American Ninja Warrior with friends!
July was fun but we are on to new adventures in August!

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