Monday, August 17, 2015

SS 2015

We look forward to Success School every single year.   AdvoCare never ceases to amaze in the wonderful line-up and entertainment!  Plus, we love our Advo family and it is always a good time when we are together!  ;)

The first night started a bit late for us so we missed the opening party.  :(  We heard it was amazing!  We made it in time to hear my very favorite doctor on our scientific board - Dr. Stanley Dudrick.  This man is responsible for saving over 10,000,000 babies.  He is pretty much amazing!  Then of course everyone's favorite fittest man came out too! ;)
 We stayed with our tradition of IHOP at 11:00 that night!  Then before we knew it we were back at Conwboys stadium bright and early!
elevator selfie anyone?!

 We had another fun day and then headed back for dinner and a PARTY!  Our diamonds made sure we had a fantabulous time!

We stayed up way too late again (that's what Spark is for!), and went back to our room to find this little guy!  Eeek!  
It was an early morning again to start out day with Praise and Worship in Cowboys Stadium.  This is my favorite part every year.  It is so amazing to see that many people come in early for optional worship.
and all too soon the weekend was over.  We had so much fun and I already can't wait until the next one!

Until next year Cowboys Stadium!  ;)

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