Wednesday, September 2, 2015

August fun...

August has pretty much been filled with unpacking, settling in, finding our way around our new town, getting ready for school, and squeezing the last bit of fun out of summer!
 We have a media room in the new house and we love sneaking up for some mid-day, quiet time, movie fun!
 yep, look at that crazy playroom behind us!

 we've enjoyed walking around our new neighborhood and trying to figure it all out!
 we found a park!

 checking out the new grocery store...
 and Ryne's new school!

 more movie relaxation in the nice COOL house!  It's hot out there!
 crazy girls!  We still didn't have our pool key so this is how they cooled off!  ;)
 watch some soccer and Ryne loved the AdvoCare logos everywhere!
 more walks with this cutie!

 this one too!

 we found Ryne an awesome new chair!

 and found a new yogurt place!

So we've obviously made Conroe home!  ;)

We hosted a couple Mixers and Brittany and I happened to dress alike
My girls are normally so good during our mixers!  
 they entertain themselves!  ;)
 and of course we LOVE walking to and from school.  We never have to worry about getting stuck at lights or long drop off lines!  ;)


Yep, August wore me out too Reese!  ;)

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