Tuesday, August 18, 2015

New town, new adventures...

We started our day with a quick (haha) trip to the Chinese Consulate.
 After that it was time for some fun at the Aquarium!  I really don't go into Houston much, so when we go to the Consulate we try to do something fun while we are in Houston.

 Seriously, the cutest of this kills me!  Love my careful girly girl!
 The aquarium itself is small and you are through it in like 30 minutes.  But the outside has rides so it makes it worth it!  ;)
train ride selfie!

 then of course we had to pet/feed the stingray!  We got soaked by one big guy!

 back out for more rides!
 sweet little hand on my leg while we were searching for the lost shark!

 Reese was hot and tired by this point so she took a break to enjoy the misters while Ryne rode a "big" ride...

she loved it!
 Then, one last train ride before heading back home.  I love my little adventures with these two!

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