Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Goodbye Yukon, Hello Conroe...

Thursday our house looked like this.  Normally when we move our house is completely empty, but this move has been anything but normal!  The movers dropped the ball, big time!  But I am trying to stay positive. One good thing is now a cleaner will come and clean and a painter will come and touch up paint since we can't do it!  ;)

silly girl!
So, we took a few selfies, and headed out...

 these are our mad faces over the hugh moving mess!
 goodbye 5th st...
 We drove to the Houston side of Dallas and spent the night.  The night morning we drove to our new house in Conroe...
 We had to do the final walk-through before closing the next day...
 After that we grabbed lunch and then headed to the hotel.
little perks to traveling all the time!  ;)
 The next morning we were up bright and early to close.  Only they weren't ready for us, so we had to leave and come back.  :(  But we finally got it done!  yay!
 We went to try out our keys and drop off some stuff that was in the car and then did some shopping!

The next day we packed up to head to our new home!
 and before long our house looked like this and the movers were no where to be seen!  lol!

I guess we are Texans again!

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