Friday, November 7, 2014

Day 7…a little fun before heading home

Our last day at DW…isn't that always so sad!  We slept in a bit, we were tired!  Then we packed up and got all checked in for our ride to the the airport.  After giving them our bags we headed to Magic Kingdom for a few hours.  We started with meeting a few princesses.

love Ryne's expression!

 We rode a few rides...

 One last spin on the 7 Dwarfs mine train was a must!

 As was Winnie the Pooh!  ;)

Then one more treat before saying goodbye.  
We let the girls pick out one souvenir every day and Ryne saw a doll she wanted at our gift shop so we popped in while we waited on our bus to the airport.  While there these adorable ladies picked out 3 pins to give her.  She was so excited.  They seriously made her trip end on such a high note!

 When we got on the bus this happened...
 We made it in plenty of time.  We grabbed a quick lunch and then were on the plane before we knew it!  They had a movie on the plane - Sleeping Beauty…perfection!

Reese watched like this the entire time!
Once we made it back to Dallas around 9pm.  We had to wait for what seemed like forever to get a shuttle back to the hotel to get our car.  From there we said our goodbyes to Pops and GranJan and hit the road back to Yukon! It was an awesome vacation and we were so sad to see it end!

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