Thursday, November 20, 2014

Chipped tooth!

Ryne and Jeremy were running around the house one night and Ryne fell and hit the tile hard.  She ended up chipping a tooth…ouch!  So we made a dentist appt...

 They did x-rays and tried to talk us out of fixing it…but it really bothered Ryne (it would have really bothered me too!) so we made a follow-up appt to get it fixed.  Ryne was so bummed that they couldn't fix it that day so we made a detour through Starbucks for a cake pop to cheer her up.  :)

About a week later we were able to go back to get it fixed.  Ryne was SO funny under the gas.  The shot hurt but she handled it like a pro…then she was really funny!  lol!

 and Reese did this to stay entertained!  ;)

Let's hope for no more chipped teeth in the future!

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