Thursday, November 6, 2014

Day 6…Happy Birthday Ryne!

Day 6 was kinda all about Ryne!  It was her 7th birthday after all!  We started the day with a swim because that was what the birthday girl was dying to do!

My big 7 year old!!

The girls had a blast swimming!  But they were ready to head back to the parks too!  We started at Hollywood Studios and first stop was to pick up some sunglasses for the girls.  It was bright!

 Reese also found a hat that she just had to have!  ;)

 We rode the Toy Story ride…such a cute one!
 Found some new friends...

our first time to ever see Tiana!
and picked out some more souvenirs.!
 We rode everything that Ryne wanted to ride - except the Rockin' Rollercoaster…it was closed!  She was bummed about that.  But we made up for it with the Tower of Terror!  ;)

Then we headed back to Magic Kingdom for Ryne's birthday surprise...
 She was dying to know what it was!

 We had an appointment for her at BBB!  We had one for Reese too but she changed her mind.  I don't think she realized how many times her mommy had to call to finally get a time they could get both girls in!  ha!  Ryne was so excited and this made the day for her!

love this precious face!

 We kept asking Reese if she wanted to do it…she politely declined every time.

She wanted to be Pocahontas which surprised me.  I think she just went for the softest costume!  She is very picky about clothing!  

 Then Ryne scored BIG!  We were walking off of the pirate ride and she asked a worker if he knew "Joshua".  He said no but he had something for her and gave her TWO fast passes that worked on our whole group!  So cool!  It pays to be a cute and talkative 7 year old!
She picked the 7 Dwarf Mine Train to use them on.  That ride always had over an hour wait and all the others were only like 20.  Score!

 Reese was begging to do Peter Pan again so we did and Ryne got to be in her own ship!  Crazy!
We also gave Space Mountain another go around…

 We shut down the park again!  My big 7 year old stayed up the whole time we were in the park…she is getting so big!
She fell asleep on the walk out though and I got a work-out holding her on the bus ride home!  lol!

Happy 7th baby girl!  I hope this is your best year yet!

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