Sunday, November 2, 2014

Day 2…Epcot

We slept in a bit and then woke up ready to start our day!  We had brunch with the princesses to get to!  

 On the way out we ran into PapPaw and GiGi!  Woohoo!  The girls were excited to have them join us on our Disney Vacation!  I have no idea why, but I didn't get a picture!  :(
 We had some time to kill before brunch…so we took a few pics.  Notice that Ryne is not wearing her Jasmine princess dress.  I told her she could veto one outfit…she chose day 2 to do that! lol!

Reese was being silly!
 I LOVE these doors!  I wish I could take them home.  :)

love this girl!

cute little Aurora!
 Then they called our names…

 The girls loved getting to do the princess parade...

 and of course loved meeting all the princesses...

Aurora gave her a kiss and she was pretty excited about it!
Oh my goodness I love these two sisters!

We left the brunch stuffed and happy!

Next up J and I took Reese on a little boat ride while the grands took Ryne on Soarin'.

 Then we switched!
 Nemo ride was fun for everyone...

 The rest of the day we wandered and enjoyed more rides…

 We also met up with my college sorority sister!  She works for Disney and it was so great to catch up with her for a bit!

We pretty much shut down Epcot!  My girls were tired but such troupers!  

Another late night = this…tired girls!

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