Monday, November 24, 2014

Chocoholic Frolic...

We headed back to Dallas for a super fun chocoholic run!  We decided it would be fun to make in a family thing.  We got to Dallas Saturday night and after a good nights sleep...
made it to the 5k Sunday morning.  :)
Ryne was pretty excited!

 Reese had the best seat in the house!  ;)
 We saw some Forney friends at the starting line and enjoyed visiting before the race started…then Ryne was ready to go!
 Ryne did amazing and ran probably 3/4th of the race.  She was a determined little runner!
I think she was just trying to get to the chocolate that was promised at the finish line!  lol!
 After refueling the girls did a little dancing while we waited to get our official time.
 I let Ryne wear my chip and she ended up with a finish time of 43:11…she rocked it!

Such a fun family thing to do.  I can't wait until our next run!

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