Monday, November 24, 2014

Chocoholic Frolic...

We headed back to Dallas for a super fun chocoholic run!  We decided it would be fun to make in a family thing.  We got to Dallas Saturday night and after a good nights sleep...
made it to the 5k Sunday morning.  :)
Ryne was pretty excited!

 Reese had the best seat in the house!  ;)
 We saw some Forney friends at the starting line and enjoyed visiting before the race started…then Ryne was ready to go!
 Ryne did amazing and ran probably 3/4th of the race.  She was a determined little runner!
I think she was just trying to get to the chocolate that was promised at the finish line!  lol!
 After refueling the girls did a little dancing while we waited to get our official time.
 I let Ryne wear my chip and she ended up with a finish time of 43:11…she rocked it!

Such a fun family thing to do.  I can't wait until our next run!

perfect afternoon...

Ryne got a new bike with her birthday money and were both pretty excited to try out their bikes one afternoon after school...

 Reese took a chalking break...
safety first though!  :)

 Then Daddy came home!  It's a good thing she kept on the helmet!  ;)

love this little hand!
 of course Belle had to join in on the fun!
I love simple nights like this with my loves!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Chipped tooth!

Ryne and Jeremy were running around the house one night and Ryne fell and hit the tile hard.  She ended up chipping a tooth…ouch!  So we made a dentist appt...

 They did x-rays and tried to talk us out of fixing it…but it really bothered Ryne (it would have really bothered me too!) so we made a follow-up appt to get it fixed.  Ryne was so bummed that they couldn't fix it that day so we made a detour through Starbucks for a cake pop to cheer her up.  :)

About a week later we were able to go back to get it fixed.  Ryne was SO funny under the gas.  The shot hurt but she handled it like a pro…then she was really funny!  lol!

 and Reese did this to stay entertained!  ;)

Let's hope for no more chipped teeth in the future!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Ryne's Dog Party...

We celebrated Ryne's birthday at Disney World…but we of course had to celebrate with friends once we got home.  Ryne really wanted to ask people to bring dog/cat food to help feed the animals at the shelter instead of presents.  I was totally okay with that!  So we thought a dog themed party would be cute!  We actually planned to have it in our neighborhood park with inflatables and face painting.  We were going to set up a doggie obstacle course for the kids and it was going to be super fun.  Well, who would have thought we would have SNOW and freezing temps?!  So we had to scramble for a plan B and ended up at a jump house.  :)

Happy birthday sweet girl!

PapPaw and GiGi had to sneak out a little early because the roads were getting bad!
little cutie!

Tiller slept the party away!  :)

We sang Happy Birthday to here and she acted super shy…last year we completely skipped it because its not her favorite part…she let everyone sing this year!  ;)

 We were so thankful for all the sweet friends that braved the weather to help us celebrate our special girl!  After the party this happened…crazy kids!

Reese wasn't as thrilled about the snow.  :)
 Then we went home to do this...

this is how I feel about snow!  lol!

yep…pumpkins and snow

Do you want to build a snowman?

Ryne said it was the Best Day Ever!  ;)