Saturday, March 1, 2014

We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo. How about you, you, you...

Ryne had open house and the cutest program at school.  It was all about animals and I heard the Zoo song about 1.237.423 times before the program!  ;)
Crazy little cuties!
 Ryne loved showing us around her room and showing us all the fun stuff she had been doing.

 Ryne and Mrs. McCrary!  She has been a wonderful teacher for Ryne this year!

 After spending some time in her classroom we headed to the gym for their program.  Ryne did so good!  They sang a bunch of songs and then IF they wanted to the said a line.  Ryne opted to say her line - If I were a cheetah I would have babies and protect them.  Pretty cute!

 Reese had fun dancing to all the songs!

I just love this girl so much!

It was a fun night watching my excited little Kindergartener!

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