Saturday, March 1, 2014

Zoo members again!

I let our Zoo membership lapse in August.  It was too hot to go then and with Ryne in school we just didn't go.  Well, Ryne was out of school a day in February so we met some friends at the Zoo for a day of fun!
We are in good hands with this little tour guide!
 Feeding the birds is always a highlight!  Reese always has one land on her head though and then she is paranoid the whole time we are in there!  ha!

wants to feed it but doesn't want it to touch her!  lol!

 Ryne was so sweet helping Reese and making sure she was okay all day!

 Of course when you see a statue or big rock…you must pose!

 And the highlight...

 The ride home was super quiet!  :)
We've missed the Zoo and had an awesome time!  Love fun days with my girls!

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