Monday, March 31, 2014

March Fun...

The girls are pretty much the life of the party wherever we go.  The saying "Children should be seen and not heard" obviously doesn't apply to them!  ;)

 Reese and I joined a Moms club with a friend.  We have been having the best time getting to know some other moms and kiddos.  We have been doing some pretty fun playdates!

tired girl after all the climbing, jumping, and sliding!
  Spring Break happened in March! We had a fun mini vacation to San Antonio…but that requires its own post(s). But we did take Mrs. McCrary her favorite Sonic drink and a gift card.  :)
 The annual CCA Alumni game was super fun…and we won again!  what what!
 We got to see sweet Halli while we were there and Jeremy may have corrupted her!
these 3 had a blast!

Reese and her bff hanging out at church!
look at all those girls! 
just precious!
we were shopping and she wanted her picture made by the kangaroo!  lol!
 Ok, so Ryne and Reese have been going to sleep together in Ryne's room.  We move Reese over once she falls asleep.  On this night Ryne was sound asleep but Reese was having some problems.  This was the 3rd time she walked out of her room!  I guess she was sneaking!  lol!

LOVE her!
 Reese and I were on our way back from Camden when she stuck a craisin up her nose!  Thankfully she was able to blow it out without a trip to the ER!

love park days with these two!
 Reese decided that her Minnie Mouse shoes should go on her Toms shelf!  Girl loves her Toms so she has a whole shelf devoted just to them!

mmmm…rehydrate pops!  They love them and I love that they are good for them!  Win Win!
Cowboy day at school!  I love this little cowgirl!
 Goodies that we dropped off to our local Child Advocacy center.  I can only imagine how a child feels when they are first taken from their home.  :(

my little partner in crime.
 I finally got to meet the newest Hayes baby!  Little Champ is precious!

That about sums up March, except for lots of soccer.  Oh, and Spring Break…that's coming next!

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