Friday, February 28, 2014

February Fun...

February was filled with school, church, play dates, school functions, shooting ranges, and just a lot of fun!
New favorite date night!
this girl is ready for summer!
 Ryne's first ever report!  She had to pick an animal and she picked a Cheetah!  We had so much fun working on this together and she did 98% of it! I had to help with the hot glue gun!

bath time!
Nap time!!

 Reese's favorite part of church is the snack!

After church lunch at one of our favs!
too busy munching to take a picture!
we LOVE our Kroger!

Reese finally went up the play area at CFA!
heading to soccer practice with 3 crazy girls!

Reese loves a good tea party!

she really is such a sweetie!

craft time followed by story time!

some days just require a trip to sweet frog!
 We were able to take a CHL class.  My camo pants seemed fitting!  I was a little worried about shooting to qualify, but it was fun and easy!  Plus, I beat J by 2 points!  :)

a little indoor camping!
This girl is reading…well!
 Ryne's school had "Science Night".  The Perot museum came to the school and had so many neat things set up.  We had a blast!

 This girl loves her hat!  She insisted that mommy should wear one as well when we were playing with princesses!

LOVE this kid!

she wanted to sleep with ALL these babies one night!  Don't worry, we moved them all out once she fell asleep!
fun craft at CFA 
lunch with Sissy!  
One night Ryne fell asleep like this!  I think she was tired! 
We also went to the Zoo a couple of times, but they will be their own posts!

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