Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Epic 1/2 Marathon...

So, we signed up to run the LR 1/2 Marathon…but before we left for Little Rock, we had a little soccer star to cheer on!
 After that we were on way!  We barley made it in time to pick up our packets, then we met the McNabs for a little carb loading dinner!  :)  Dakota and Presley wanted to sit by me…Ryne would have been so jealous to miss, so I didn't tell her!  ;)  They loved looking at all my pics on my phone, and then wanted pics of themselves.  Then they wanted selfie of all 3 of us!  :)

 After dinner it was time to check in to our hotel and crash!  The next morning came super early…but we were ready to do it!  It was COLD!  But we were prepared…or so we thought!  ha!

 Before long we were filing to the starting line and off!  It was cold, wet, slick, and just gross.  But the people were awesome!  Other runners were so nice and the spectators were fantastic.  That helped give you a boost for sure!
 Jeremy, Jaime, and I started out together but it was hard to stay together.  There were so many people and it stayed congested for the first several miles.  I'm not sure when we got separated, but their were plenty of other people to "run" with!  I did find out that I am probably the clumsiest runner ever!  I dropped my gloves (which I wanted to keep because I LOVED them).  It was in a really congested place so I just had to let them go.  :(  Then I dropped my energy chews about 1/2 a mile before I was going to eat them.  I did actually manage to take off my jacket and toss it to Brandon around mile 5.  But then mile 11 I was wishing I would have kept it!  The temps started dropping pretty quickly and I was basically numb when I finished!
I was so so so happy to see that finish line!!
 I had to wait for a little while for my running buddies and that was brutal!  I was soaked and freezing.  I don't think I have ever been so cold!  I was so happy to see Jeremy and start trying to make our way to warmth!

My sweet parents had came up to watch me cross the finish line!  Love those two!
 After visiting with them for a few minutes, we headed back to the hotel to shower before meeting up with them again for lunch.

he was not a happy camper at this point!  :)
 After taking a warm shower we finally could feel our legs and feet again, so we headed for IHOP.  Brad, Beth, and their kiddos met us for lunch.  It was good to see them…and the pancakes.  I killed the pancakes!

 Jayce was cracking us up because he went from lap to lap eating all the food!  Once one plate was empty he would move on…so funny!

After lunch we went back to the hotel to chill for a little bit before meeting up with friends for dinner.  Well, that was the plan.  In reality the rain turned to sleet and hail so those plans were cancelled.  We ended up watching a movie and grabbing take out.  We hated to miss everyone but were glad that everyone was home safe and sound.

The next morning was Jeremy's birthday!  We were stuck until things started melting, so we tried to walk to get donuts…but they were all closed!  So, we settled for continental breakfast and some daytime tv!  We were able to start home around 12.

 It was a LONG trip home...
 We were so happy to see our girls!  They were so happy to give Daddy his presents!  :)

Despite the crazy cold/yucky weather, it was a fantastic weekend!  Plus, we make both be hooked on 1/2 marathons!  :)

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