Monday, March 24, 2014

Super busy weekend!

It's crazy how you won't have anything going on for a couple of weekends and then BAM!  This weekend in particular was a hodge podge of stuff…but we made it work!  First up on Friday was the Dallas Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon Expo.  The girls got to go with us and they LOVED it!  
 Then we had to divide and conquer.  Reese and I headed to Camden and Jeremy and Ryne headed to two birthday parties.  First up for them was Brooke's spectacular 6 year old rock-n-roll/princess/fashion show party!  After that they went to Nanny's birthday dinner.  Reese and I sat in traffic for awhile, then it finally opened up and a few hours later we were in Camden.  :)

Saturday for Jeremy and Ryne started with a soccer game and then errand running/shopping.  Reese and I spent Saturday playing and then going to a wedding shower for Uncle Jonathan and Rebecca!
 After the shower we started our trip back to get ready for our little run the next day!

Jan and Ken came over Sunday morning and Jeremy and I headed into Dallas.  The weather was a little chilly, but not too bad.  Overall it was a really fun run!
The whole run I was seriously just thinking about carbs.  Pancakes, Waffles, Bagels…yum!
First thing after a shower was some yummy homemade waffles.  Then I headed out to help canvas a neighborhood with our church group while Jeremy waited for his mom and Ken to get back from church with the girls.  He may have snuck a nap in!  ;)

The rest of the day was spent snuggling my girls and being lazy.  It was pretty prefect!

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