Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The rest of the week...

Oh...something else BIG happened on her first day of school.  That night she lost her very first tooth!!!

tooth fairy money should sparkle right?!
lunch #2
all smiles, ready for the day!
 After drop off (tears on my part again!!), Reese and I headed to the gym.  Then back home for some one on one play time!

Thankful this little sunshine brightens my day!
 That afternoon was much the same.  Ryne was beat and wouldn't talk about her day until bedtime!
Lunch #3
 We dropped off Ryne at the front door because they didn't want parents walking them to the gym anymore. :( Of course more tears on my end.  Then gym followed by the park...
It was empty!!!

Same thing...picked up Ryne and she was beat!  Thankfully she is super chatty at bedtime so I just climb in bed with her and we have lots of good girl talk!  :)  Here favorite parts of school are gym, lunch, recess, and when I pick her up.  She was called on 3 times in math class and she loved that, but the day before she wasn't called on at all even though she raised her hand.  She said she felt like she was invisible!  SO happy to hear about her day even if it takes until bedtime.  
Lunch #4...yep, PB&J making a reappearance!  :)
On this day Ryne wanted us to drop her off in the car line instead of walking her to the door.  Breaks my heart!  I seriously ugly cried the whole way to the gym!  After a good work-out we headed to the pool.  Again...empty!

Then home for a bath and lunch before nap.  I enjoyed some sweet snuggling while she fell asleep!
We were SO ready to get sissy and hear all about her day.  Unfortunately, the hearing about her day had to wait!  ha!  But we relaxed and hung out until soccer practice.

 Then we made it to Friday! I tried to get her to let us walk her to the door because of 1 - it broke my heart in a million pieces to do the car drop and 2 - she told me during our bedtime girl talk that she had changed her mind the day before and wanted to come back to me (after she had already gotten in the school) but couldn't and she cried about it. Ugh...seriously makes my heart hurt!  BUT, she wanted to be dropped off again.  She did better and didn't try to come back out...I still cried.  Btw - when will that end?!
 I got it together and Reese and I went to the gym.  She went to the locker room with me before I took her to the Kid's Club.  I feel pretty confident to say this is the cutest girl this locker room has ever seen.  :)

 We were at the gym just to meet with a trainer (it is mandatory to get your key card!) but I was so sore from the past 3 classes that we left after that to run errands.  We got alot done and before we knew it, it was pick-up time!  We decided to surprise Ryne with Sweet Frog to celebrate her first week of school.  We told Reese about it so it ended up not being much of a secret!  She couldn't keep the excitement in and kept yelling "Sissy, we goin' Weet Frog"!  They are both big fans. :)
happy about no school for 3 days!!

We survived the first week!!!  I am having such a hard time with her being in school.  I just hate not being there for the majority of her day and not really knowing what is going on.  It is a big adjustment.  I think she is liking it pretty well though.  She says every morning that she wishes she could stay home, but I know she has fun once she is there.

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