Thursday, September 5, 2013

Labor Day weekend...

We had alot of down time over the weekend and it was perfect.  On Saturday we just played in our pj's  around the house all morning.  

My parents came in for a visit and got to our little town around noon.  We met them for lunch at CFA to let the girls play there a little while.  Then it was home for naps and getting ready for some football!
Jeremy wanted us to take a picture and insisted on the stuffed hand!  Weirdo!  lol!  AND my hair does not really look like that!  I don't know why the ends look like a different color...shadow from the fan/lights?!?!  I dunno, but I had to throw out that disclaimer!  ha!
That is one cute Horns fan!
Jeremy left early the next morning for golf.  Like 5:30 early!  I slept in until the girls got up at 6:00!  Thank you school schedule!  Then I tried to keep them quiet so PapPaw and Gi-Gi could sleep, so we headed outside for awhile once they got tired of Mickey Mouse Club House and Wild Kratz.

PSA - Liana (our neighbor in Farmington) brought a bunch of bubbles when they came for a visit and the little ones are the BEST!  Perfect size for little hands and are seriously the easiest bubbles to blow.  She got them in the party section and they rock.
Doesn't she look like such a great guard dog?!  Too bad she barks and runs!  ha!  Phoebe has the guard duty down though so that's okay.  :)
 Reese decided to take a picture of her own.  Pretty good selfie!

Once my parents got up the real fun started.  They played and played and then took Ryne for a movie during Reese's nap.  I know Ryne enjoyed that!  Jeremy beat my folks and Ryne home by just a few minutes so the rest of the day was spent hanging out.  There was football and food...what else do you need?!

Monday was spent pretty much the same way.  Lots of playing...

My parents had to leave around 10 to start the drive back because they were stopping to see my little bro at know, take him grocery shopping and such!  We enjoyed the visit alot and hope to do it again soon!

The rest of our day was spent taking care of some stuff around the house and then going to soccer practice.  Go Lady Leopards!  

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