Wednesday, September 4, 2013

last week of freedom...

Our last week before school was spent making the most of our free time!  We hung out, watched movies, played ALOT of games, went swimming, went to the park, ate ice cream...just had a great time.  
hanging out watching The Guardians during quiet time.  :)

 I skipped my normal work-out a couple of times to just hang out with Ryne during Reese's nap/Ryne's quiet I tried to work-out with my two buddies.  Not the most beneficial work-out but my girls kept me laughing!

 We played at McD's after shopping one morning.  Reese LOVES their yogurt!  She says MMM after every bite.  :)
 Okay, this is random but seriously?!  This dog is nuts!  She laid like that for about 10 minutes!
 And this is my view during any given shower (unless Reese is asleep!) Silly mommy's girl!

 We had "Meet the Teacher" night at school!  Yikes!  She did awesome and was pretty excited the whole time.  I forgot to take a picture of the Teacher gift but I found the cutest printable on Pinterest that said "If you need a hand..." so I printed those off and made a "hand" basket filled with a nail file, Bath and Body hand lotion and antibacterial gel.

standing by her locker!!

Snow cones and popcorn...that would make anyone love school!  :)
 We also enjoyed some swimming...

 She does this the entire time!  Just call her snorkel girl!

Then on one day GranJan picked Ryne up for a special day out with her!  While they were gone I had high hopes of a long nap for Reese.  That didn't happen!  This normal 2-3 hour napper was up within 15 minutes.  Maybe the house was just too quiet?!?!

 We also enjoyed the park and soccer fields.  This girl is ready for soccer to start!

Ryne is such a great big sis!

We so enjoyed our last week of no school!  Now the "school" life starts.  :(  We had a super fun weekend before it started though.  :)

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