Monday, September 9, 2013


I recently signed on as a distributer and then worked my way to advisor with AdvoCare.  Jeremy and I both did the 24 day Challenge and LOVED the results!  We got the chance to go to Success School a few weeks ago and we were completely blown away with the company.  Not only are the products amazing...the company is too.  AdvoCare is built on Christian principles and it shows.  SS was Friday through Sunday and on Sunday morning they actually brought in Michael W. Smith for Praise and Worship and it was phenomenal!  Just to see Cowboys stadium filled with people praising the Lord...there really are no words.  The whole weekend was awesome, but that was my favorite by far!  

A quick pic after dinner before heading to SS!

Of course the cheerleaders made an appearance!  :)

As well as my favorite DWTS star! 

The only picture from day 2...and none from day 3!  I was too busy soaking it all in.  :)
If you are looking for a change in your health/appearance...or maybe in your checking account (!) let me know because I would love to share how AdvoCare has changed all of that for us!

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