Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ryne's day...

Ryne's day started with an ice cream breakfast.  Yummy!  I want to make it a yearly back to school tradition because any time you can have ice cream for breakfast is okay in my book!  :)

I am currently doing the 24 day challenge so just a little ice cream for me!  :)

 Ryne and Reese had fun playing with 2 sets of Grandparents after eating yummy ice cream!  :)

The pups act weird when people come over!  ha!
Then Ryne decided to teach everyone how to do Origami!   It was very educational.  :)

 After getting our sugar high and visiting with the gparents, we headed off with just our big girl for her fun day of surprises! Don't worry...we didn't leave Reese unattended!  Pops and GranJan had their own special time with just her.  :)

First stop...Rain Forest Cafe!
 We had time to kill (long wait and we didn't think to do reservations!) so Ryne did some shopping.
 Then when we were about to pass out from hunger we got to go in to eat!  After we got seated Ryne wanted to walk around to see all the we did.  :)
 Next up was the Ft. Worth stockyards!  We got there just in time to see the longhorns walk down the street.

 Then it was time for a picture ON a longhorn!
 Next we found some ponies...

 Then we found snow cones!
 Then we found a mechanical bull!  Ryne didn't seem like she loved it but after she got off she asked to do it again!  ha!

 Then we found the petting zoo...

 After that it was time to head to our next stop...but first Jeremy begged me to get on a longhorn.  So here ya go babe!
 Our next and final stop was Medieval Times!  Ryne has wanted to go there to see the "horse" show for a long time so she was excited!
ignore the Do Not Climb...we did!  
 She is getting SO BIG!!!

 She cheered and screamed the entire show!  I hushed her at one point (because I am so use to trying to keep my kids quiet in restaurant settings!) then apologized and told her to go nuts!  That is what you are suppose to do there right?!  She had a blast and was hoarse the next day!  ha!

We got home so late after a super fun day!  Ryne was sweet and picked out a glow toy for Reese too.  They enjoyed running around the next morning in crowns with their new glow toys.  It's the simple things.  :)

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