Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ryne's first day of Kindergarten!

I  can NOT believe that my baby girl is now in Kindergarten.  It seemed like so far away...and now it is here and I can't help but wonder where the time went!  Ryne is super excited about, not so much!  She is my little side kick!  For the past 3 years I have been with her 24/7 besides the few hours a week of KDO during the school year.  I know my little social butterfly will do awesome though and I can't wait to hear all her fun stories!

 I was browsing Pinterest and came across this cool idea...LOVED it and quickly found a shirt on Etsy.  :)  I noticed several friends doing the same thing this year!  The idea is Ryne will put the shirt on the each first day of school until she graduates...2026!  Yikes!
 After she had enough of the pictures we headed to school!  Daddy was able to come with us and I was SO thankful for that.  Ryne was all smiles getting out of the car...
 Still smiling hanging up her backpack...
 Still smiling finding her seat...
 Then she was over it and maybe slightly embarrassed!  ha!  Get use to it girlie!  :)
 So we took pictures with her anyways!  :P

 After we gave her lots of hugs and said our goodbyes we left.  The tears for me started pouring then!  I kept my head down and walked as fast as I could to the car.  Poor Reese was feeling the same way.  We missed sissy!

Thankfully Reese had two buddies to help her feel better.
 Jaime sent me this and oh it made me cry...but I love it because it is so true.

I wonder what you are doing right now
And if everyone is treating you kind.
I hope there is a special person,
A nice friend you can find.

I wonder if the teacher knows 
Just how special you are to me.
And if the tenderness of your heart
is something she can see.

I wonder if you need a hug
And if you are thinking of me.
I hope you know how treasured you are
And how sweet our reunion will be.

I wonder if you know how much I've prayed 
For this day, you can't understand.
The only way I can let you go
Is to know that God is holding your hand.

It is so so hard letting my baby go to school...a big, unfamiliar school!  I pray constantly for her and miss her so much.

To help pass the time until pick up I went a joined a gym (!), then took Reese to CFA.  Then it was home for a nap before getting our big girl.
We got there about 25 minutes early and were in a big line already!  It seemed like it took forever!
 Then I saw the most precious thing...Ryne running as fast as she could to get on our pick-up cone!

We were so so excited to see her and she was happy to see us...but she was beat!  She did very little talking!  Turns out she didn't think we were coming and had been sitting there crying!  Oh that broke my heart!  Believe me she was reassured that we would never leave her sitting there!
 All in all she had a good first day.  When I asked her what her favorite part was she said when we picked her up!  Mine too baby girl...mine too!

Just random other first day stuff...
First day treat for her teacher.  I am a firm believer of treating the teachers well.  She is with my baby more during the week than I am!  :(
I wanted to show the inside because I came up with a funny on my own!  No pinterest on this one!  I had an open space so I put in some know, in case she lost some!  ha!  I thought it was funny anyways. :)

Backpack and lunch box fit for a Kindergartener!  :)

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