Monday, April 15, 2013

Random iPhone dump..,

Some random cuteness for you...
I let Ryne stay up with me on Mondays to watch DWTS.  She never makes it through a whole show!  :)
Reese trying on Daddy's slippers
hanging at soccer practice
little money loves standing on stuff!

This is from Jeremy's birthday weekend!  It's been hanging out on my phone for awhile!

This is from several weeks ago at the alumni game.  I was teaching Reese how to steal the ball!  :)

Last weekend Brock finally got his hands on Reese!  He has tried every game/practice since last season...she is a tough cookie!  
I needed to take a shower...the girls needed a bath...this worked! 
Rainy day coloring fun!
a girl and her dog!
So excited about sweet frog!!

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