Monday, April 15, 2013

Disney on Ice...

We rarely get to hang out with just our big girl so we decided to have a Ryne night!  We asked GranJan to watch Reese (she jumped at the chance to have some alone time with Reese too!) and took our oldest blessing on a date to Disney on Ice!

Heading out for our night of fun!
It started pouring on the way there.  No worries though.  We all grabbed our umbrella's and continued with the fun!  :)

First stop was to get a light up toy and a snow cone in a Chip cup.

 We watched a Disney on Ice a few months ago and it was awesome!  We paid the big bucks to sit front row and it was worth every penny.  This time around I got an opening night special deal and we sat midway up for pretty cheap.  Good thing because the show was not that good!  ha!  Ryne liked it and that is what matters most!  When asked which one she liked better she said the first one too though!  :)  They just pretty much skated in circles this time.  Not many lifts and tricks and the costumes and sets were not that exciting either.  BUT it was still a fun time with our girl!

She was cute because she tried to split time between us.  She started out sitting in her seat in the middle and then climbed on my lap for awhile.  Then she thought Daddy looked lonely so she went over there for awhile before thinking that I needed some snuggle time again!  So sweet!
It was a 7:00 show so we got back way after her bedtime.  We came in and were talking to GranJan and she fell asleep on the couch!  After a quick brush she was in bed having dreams filled with princesses I'm sure!  :)  We loved taking our little princess to watch the other princesses!

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