Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Happy Easter!

Fair warning...there are an excessive amount of pictures this post!  

Easter Sunday was alot of fun with our girls this year.  The very first thing was checking out what the Easter bunny brought them!

Ryne has been wanting the wedding Barbies for months! sweet is this kid?!

This one is pretty sweet too!  :)
Next we ate breakfast and headed to church with enough time for a couple of picture on the way out.  Not a big success!  Reese hates headbands (unless she puts them on and pulls them down around her neck immediately!) so trying to put on on her sweet head ended with tears.  
 Ryne couldn't stop squinting even under all the clouds so we moved inside the tower.  Not much better...

 So we called it quits and headed to church before everyone's morning was ruined!  ha!  After a fabulous worship time we ran back by the house to grab a few things before heading to Pops and GranJan's.  I tried for pictures again on the porch...
 Ryne was up for some posing!  She was loving her colorful wedges!

 Then we tried to get Reese in on the posing fun!

 At least there were no major tears!  :)

 Then we headed to Pops and GranJan's.  The girls got a quick nap and woke up ready to go!  So I tried for a couple pictures as we walked in...

So then I officially called it quits and let the girls change out of their Easter clothes.  We played outside until lunch time and they had so much fun finding lizards!  We hardly ever see lizards around our house but GranJan always has a bunch.  It is one of Ryne's favorite things about going to their house!

 After letting the little guys go it was time for lunch.  Ken picked up some yummy barbecue from Dickey's...our favorite!  Then it was time for the egg hunt!

Reese opened the first egg she found and ate all the jelly beans before trying to find anymore!

Then she repeated on the second egg!  :)

Yep...good thing we put on play clothes!

Jeremy found a little baby lizard while hiding the eggs.  So what did he do?!  He empty out one of the big eggs and replaced the candy with the lizard!  He had Ryne open the eggs outside to get a big surprise.

She opened it and then shut it again really quickly!
Super confused!
Now it's funny!

Poor little guy!
We had a great afternoon and left with two exhausted girls!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter and remembered to celebrate what it is really about.  

Jesus is overcome
And the grave is overwhelmed
The victory is won
He is risen from the dead

And two more pictures of Ryne because they are too cute not to share but for some reason they loaded at the end and I am not moving them back up through all those pictures!  ha!

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