Monday, April 15, 2013

Haircut time!

Ryne went for a haircut where I get my hair done.  I had talked to Dawnya about doing Ryne's hair the last time I was there and warned her that Ryne had only ever been where they sit in airplanes and get suckers!  ha!  She was ready with some gummy bears for both Ryne and Reese!  Reese was into everything but Ryne was great!  She was a little hyper but was good about being still when she was in the seat.

I couldn't keep her off the hair washing stations!

She put in some layers to help it look fuller and took off about 2 inches.  It seems like more because her hair is wavy and kinda curls up in the back.  She said she liked it but it was shorter now!  lol!  After a successful "real" haircut we went to play at McD's to get that energy out!  :)

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