Friday, December 14, 2012

NWA company!

We were lucky enough to have our old neighbors come for a visit a few weeks ago!  Ryne talks about "her best friend Olivia" (that is actually part of her name according to Ryne!) all the time.  She was beyond excited that they were coming for a sleep over for 2 nights.  Just the girls came during the week to keep us girls company and we loved every minute!  While they were here we went to the zoo.  We spent the majority of the day there and wore the girls out!

The babies - Reese and Lilly

Ryne and Olivia...don't you love her hair?!  So pretty and long!

We got home in time for a little more play time, dinner, and a pre-bed movie.  It didn't take long to get all the girls down that night!
We were so happy that they made the trip to see us!  We miss our wonderful neighbors!

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