Friday, December 14, 2012

Getting to know our neighbors and some other stuff...

Last Saturday we attended a craft day at our Community Club House.  Ryne enjoyed getting crafty and meeting a few new friends!  They liked to run as much as she does!

excited to meet new friends!
watching the big kids run around...

sweet sisters!
The girls both love this fountain at MDO.  We normally don't have time to see it when we get there because I am late 95% of the time...but we sometimes hang out there after pick-up.
Reese has become obsessed with a picture.  She carries it around and puts it in different places.  She also can show a little temper when I take it away or move it back to where it belongs!  ha!

in front of the fireplace one day...
on the treadmill the next!  :)

Both of my girls might be turning into cowgirls!

yep...picking my battles!  :)

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