Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas program and party!

Yesterday was Ryne's Christmas program and party.  Up until this week they were doing an actual play and Ryne played the mom who wore a blue dress, white sweater, and red shoes.  She was going to dance on stage during a certain part.  Well I think the music teacher bit off more than she could chew because they ended up cutting all the parts (Ryne was super bummed!) and having all the kids dress as angels.  I found out Tuesday that she needed and angel costume and threw this together late Wednesday night!

Our little angel!
We enjoyed watching them sing there songs...Ryne sang her little heart out!
Reese enjoyed watching and bouncing in-between GranJan, Daddy, and myself!

I forgot my camera...ugh!  So phone pics have to do I guess.  :(
After her super cute performance we headed back to the class.  I volunteered to help with the party so Reese and I stayed there.  Ryne thought it was pretty neat that we were there and she was super protective of Reese!

We headed out about 11 because Reese was in need of a nap and the party portion was over.  Reese napped and we did a little shopping before picking up sissy.  Sissy was pretty excited because we surprised her with a new friend!  

We went home for a bit and then decided to head up to McDs for a little play time.  They have the coolest indoor playground and they keep it clean.  J and I even went up in the towers and it was even clean in there!
everything in the baby area makes musical sounds...

playing the guitar with her feet!
That night we decided to go eat at IHOP.  Everyone loves breakfast for dinner!  :)
Ryne's create a face pancakes...

She ate it up!  I don't think her plate has ever been this clean!
We looked at some lights on the way home to round out our great day!

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