Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dear Santa,

Ryne changes her mind daily about what she wants for Christmas so I made her put it in writing a few weeks ago...before Mrs. Claus started shopping!  :)

She dropped the letter in the mailbox and a few days later she had a reply!

A letter and a treat!

Ryne has seen Santa a couple of times already, once at MDO and once with Pops and GranJan.  But Reese still hadn't and we wanted to get a picture of both girls with the man in the red suit!  We went to Firewheel and had absolutely no wait to see him!  Ryne loved chatting with him but Reese didn't like it at all!  I had a feeling it was going to go that way!  Still cute though!

After our Santa visit we headed down to Build-a-Bear.  Both girls picked out a new friend.  Reese had a hard time parting with hers long enough to get stuffing in it!  I think she was still a bit traumatized from Santa!  ha!
She's a pro!

We went home for dinner and then all got shakes from Chick-fil-a for dessert.  Then we drove around looking at all the pretty lights.  It was the perfect ending to a really fun day!

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