Friday, December 7, 2012

Girls trip to Nashville!

Kristen and I went to Nashville a few weekends ago.  We are both big Kris Allen fans and she found out he was playing (his last show of 2012!) there.  She mentioned us going and it sounded like fun so off we went!  Road trip...woohoo!  :)  We hit a ton of traffic on the way there and didn't get in as early as we thought.  For some reason the gps took us to a super shady neighborhood and said we had arrived at our destination!  Seriously told us to turn into a dark scary looking house!  ha!  We got it straightened out and made it downtown to where we were really staying.  :)  We checked in and about died laughing when we made it to our room.  The guy who checked us in said that they had upgraded us to the Spa suite...super nice right?!  Only what were they thinking?!?!  lol!
Yep, a nice spa tub in the middle of our room!  ha!
The next day was filled with shopping, a little sightseeing, lots of good food, and the KA show of course!

We almost drove right by this little gem!  
One of the Valet guys told us about Jack's...super good little hole in the wall!
After getting stuffed on some barbecue we got ready and headed to the show.  We were surprised that Kris was opening for some girl...what?!  He played for over an hour though and was amazing as always!  We lucked out and had front row seats too!  :)

The "latin Jesus" and his questionable expressions!  ha!

Katie...she was different but really good!
We hung around after to meet Kris.  He was super nice and laid back.  We talked for a bit and he never seemed like he was "rushing" anyone.  Maybe because we were fellow Arkansasians?  Yep, I made up that word!  :)

We got back to the hotel late and hit up their little store for the most expensive water and doritos ever!

The next morning we headed home!  It was a really fun weekend with a great friend that I don't get to see near enough!  Nashville is super cool too...I loved the downtown area and would love to go back sometime.  Maybe the next time Kris is there!  ;)

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