Saturday, April 28, 2012

Weekend in Texas...

We headed to Texas Saturday morning.  Poor Jeremy was home less than 12 hours before hitting the road again!  It was a pretty easy trip there though...both girls were troopers!  We went to Poppy and GranDi's when we got in town.  Ryne enjoyed playing on all of Eli's fun ride on toys!  Jeff cooked a yummy dinner and then we sat around a fire outside making s'mores and visiting.
The next day we stopped by Poppy's firestation.  Ryne has grown quite a bit since we were there 2 1/2 years ago!   She loved getting to play with all the "toys"!  :)

Reese wasn't too sure about the helmet!

 After the tour of the station we headed to Pops and GranJan's.  We visited before another yummy meal.  After that they offered to keep the girls so we could go watch Hunger Games.  I had been dying to see it!  It was a good movie, but the book was better.  Typical!
The next day we hung out around the house until game time!  We played outside some and Ryne was thrilled with all the lizards!  She caught this one and named her Isabella!  Pretty cute!

Around 3 we headed to the game.  We like to get there right when the gates open to hang out and watch batting practice.  We walked around to the outfield (the place I will NEVER sit again!) and poor Swisher was already being haggled.  So annoying! Anyways, we headed to our sits before game time.  We always sit on the 3rd base side.  This year we were on row 7 but normally we like to sit row 1 or 2.  Still good seats though!


I would love to hear what they talk about out there!


A-Rod's home run!

This was during batting practice so we were in the dreaded outfield!  ;)
The next morning we met GranJan for breakfast.  She had to get everyone started at school and then she left to meet up with us.
this little girl LOVES my iphone case!

 We had a great visit with everyone and had fun on our two dates!  It was a great trip!

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