Thursday, April 26, 2012

Just the girls...

Last week, Jeremy had to go out of town for the week.  We took him to the airport after church and after the tornado warning...great day for traveling!  Ryne was so upset that she cried the majority of the way home.  She didn't understand why we couldn't all go! We made the best of the week with lots of outside play time and playdates...but we missed the daddy!
Before getting ready for church J and Ryne caught a bunny...guess what we were hunting all week!
Ryne went to KDO Monday.  Reese and I had lunch with a friend and did some shopping.  Then we all went grocery shopping after we picked up Ryne.  Then we came home to ride bikes and play outside.

Tuesday we went to Boingo Bounce with some friends.  We got home long enough to feed Reese and let her get a quick nap before loading up for gymnastics. 

Wednesday we had some playtime at the park with our neighbors.  Ryne and Olivia had fun throwing rocks in the creek and Ryne somehow got herself drenched (imagine that) and had to ride home in her undies!  She was less than pleased about that!  :)  All was well in the world once she got to pick out a new outfit!  :)
Later that day we went for a bike ride/walk.  Ryne LOVES our neighbors dog Chloe and was super excited that she wanted to follow us.  We also picked up some new rocks for her "collection". :)

We broke out the chalk and bubbles too.  We were very thankful for pretty weather!!
 Thursday was KDO and shopping for Mommy and Reese.  Reese wanted to help me pick out a new diaper bag for Mother's day.  3 Monkeys had some super cute ones and we found one we loved that doesn't just scream diaper bag!  :)
 We picked Sissy up and headed to CEC.  I love going late morning or early afternoon because it is pretty much empty.  Ryne got to see CEC himself and acted so shy!  It was pretty funny!

The next day we ran a few errands and got ready for daddy coming home!  Yay!  Ryne wanted to make a sign and she was so careful with it when we were walking in the airport.  She was so excited to see her daddy!  She was giggling so loud riding up the escalators that everyone around was laughing!

While we were waiting on daddy Ryne asked a stranger if they had seen a boy with no hair!  lol!  She also set off the alarm by getting to close to the gate entrances...opps!  She was super embarrassed because it made everyone laugh.
We were all so excited to have Daddy back home!  We picked up a pizza and came home to watch a new movie - The Little Mermaid.  It was a great night with our family back together!

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