Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Easter weekend

Easter weekend was filled with fun, family, and sickness!  We went to Ryne's soccer game on Thursday night.  As soon as we got home Jeremy had to go work a hospital in-service.  I started feeling sick on the way home.  Somehow I managed to get the girls fed, bathed, and in bed before I got sick.  The next 8 hours were BRUTAL!  I was throwing up every 15-20 minutes.  I was finally able to go to sleep around 4am.  I got up to nurse Reese at 8am and then went straight back to bed until the next time I needed to feed her.  We had planned to leave for Camden early so we could stop in LR to see some friends.  Needless to say that didn't happen!  We were able to make the trip but didn't even leave or house until 5pm.  I pretty much slept in the car so it wasn't too bad.  Reese did awesome on the way there!  I think she knew I couldn't climb in the back with her in my current condition so she was a big girl!  :)  The way home was a completely different story!  ha!

Once we got to my parents we pretty much went straight to bed.  The next day was filled with egg dying, Easter egg hunts, and family time.  The kids had a great time playing!  Ryne found the "golden" egg and she was SO excited about that.  She wanted to take it (the egg and it's contents - candy and $5) to church to give to Jesus...precious!  We hung out as long as we could Saturday before heading back home.  We LOVE our church and really wanted to spend Easter at our home church.  The ride home was rough though because poor Reese just was not feeling it.  She got so upset a couple of times that we had to pull over and get her out for awhile.  She was so happy to get out of the car once we got home.

We got back pretty late Saturday night and pretty much crashed when we got home.  The next morning the girls woke up excited to see what the Easter bunny had left them!

 Ryne liked Reese's toy the best and Reese kept trying to get to Ryne's basket!  ha!

 After enjoying the Easter baskets we got ready for church.  Reese was taking a nap so I snapped a couple pictures of just Ryne outside.  Can I just mention that it is very hard to find an Easter dress without buttons and zippers!  We did it though!

 After we got Reese up and dressed we took a couple more if the girls together.  Poor Reese wasn't happy that she was woken up.  I think she was starting to feel bad.  :(

LOVE these sweet sisters!
After that we headed to church to celebrate our risen Saviour!  The rest of the day was spent relaxing and then going to a friend's house for an Easter dinner.  It was a great day!

The next morning Jeremy woke up feeling sick and ended up throwing up pretty much all day.  :(  Then Reese started running fever and coughing.  It was a rough start to the week to say the least!  Thankfully everyone seems well now!  :)

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