Wednesday, April 4, 2012

J's birthday weekend!

Jeremy turned 31 last month!  Last year we did a big celebration for his 30th...this year was a little bit more low key!  ha!  We started the day with donuts and then soccer.  The afternoon was spent running a few errands and then we ended the big day with Outback and cake at home.  Very exciting stuff!  :)
The cake Ryne helped make and then decorated all on her own!

Happy Birthday Daddy!  We love you!
Sunday we went to church and then Jeremy got to pick lunch because it was his birthday weekend!  :)  Reese is such a little cutie pie!  She is fun to dress because she NEVER complains about what I put her in...unlike my 4 year old who will ONLY wear things without buttons or zippers! Needless to say it was HARD to find an Easter dress that fit that criteria this year!  Anyways...on to the cutie pie!

She may not complain about the clothes she wears...but she will not keep a headband on for longer than 60 seconds! 

Of course no weekend is complete without a Sunday afternoon nap!
Needless to say, Jeremy's birthday was way different than last year!  I think he still enjoyed it though!  We are so thankful for him and that we get to celebrate all his birthdays with him!

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