Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Reese is 9 months old!

It is hard to believe that our baby girl has been with us 3/4 of a year!  It is going by so fast and she is growing up too quickly!

She loves to stick her tongue out now! 

She is still oh so happy!  She just lights up when you talk to's precious! She now has 2 teeth and they are in pretty good!  She has mastered the wave and loves to wave bye...all.the.time!  It's so cute because she gets so tickled about it.  If you say "yay Reese" she will raise her hands above her head like she is cheering.  Training our little cheerleader early!  :) She is still a good sleeper and very rarely wakes up in the middle of the night.  She sleeps about 11 hours at night and takes 2 naps about an hour each during the day.  Still no crawling, but I am so okay with that!  She is acting more interested in it though so I am sure she will take off soon.  She is 18 1/2 lbs (50%) and 26 1/2 in (25%). She is just the sweetest baby girl!

Reese - You have to slow down!  You are growing up way too fast!  You are such a joy to us.  Your smile and laugh are adorable and can bring a smile to anyone's face.  You have the sweetest personality and are turning out to be pretty funny!  We love to watch you figure things out.  You try so hard to get things that you aren't suppose to have and get so tickled with yourself when you get it.  You are so cute it's hard to take anything away from you so sometimes you play with some pretty expensive teething toys!  lol!  We all love you so much and we are so glad that you are ours!

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