Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Reese is 8 months!

Okay, so this is over a month old...but better late than never!  I can't believe my littlest baby is growing up so fast.

Reese learned how to grow a tooth this month!  I miss her little gummy smile but her one little tooth smile is pretty cute too!  She can also turn circles on her belly and move a little bit.  She has no desire to crawl though and I am okay with that!  :)  She is loving pretty much any food she tries.  I am making most of it now but she will still do the jars if we are away from home.  Her recent favorite is kiwi.  She ends up being a sticky mess but loves it!  She is still completely in love with Ryne and it is so cute to hear them giggling together. 

Reese - I can't begin to tell you how much we adore you.  We are blown away daily by your sweet disposition.  You can make anyone smile by flashing one of your gorgeous grins at them.  Your cheeks are absolutely scrumptious and batting your eyes will be able to get you out of anything!  You are so loved little one!

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