Monday, December 17, 2012

Gingerbread houses...

One of our very favorite Christmas traditions is to make a gingerbread house.  This year we opted for the 4 little ones so we could each do our own...except for Reese, she was napping!  :)

Ryne's house...still in progress!
As always she ate just as much candy as she put on the house!

My house...I went with less is more!  :)
Uh Oh!

J's house!
our little village!

dancing queens...

Jeremy and his little cheerleaders!

We are finally living somewhere that we aren't grossly outnumbered by Hog fans!  lol!  Funny story - Jeremy had bought a razorback as a gag gift for his work party.  Ryne saw it and said "You've got to be  kidding me"!  haha!  She was worried that Daddy had lost his mind!  :)
Hey...they are both looking!  

and she's off!

We are enjoying wearing Texas gear without all the looks...better enjoy it while it lasts because no telling where we will be a year from now!  Please not Minnesota!  lol!

My girls...

I hate being in front of the camera!  But, I am trying to change that because my kids will have no pictures with me if I don't!  So here we are...just the girls!  :)

Adorable face scrunchy thing that I was talking about!

love my big girl so much!

and just Ryne because she's cute!  :)

together pictures...

It is next to impossible to get a good picture of my girls.  They hardly ever both look at the same time, forget about smiling while looking at the same time, and the littlest just wants out of there!  I still try but rarely succeed.  The proof is in the following...

I LOVE Ryne in this!  So typical!  ha!

At least we have one poser!  :)

Reese is her normal happy self if you catch her by surprise!

Close!  There are no tears!

She's been doing this face scrunchy thing that is to die for!

yep, we tried one together!  lol!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Fancy Ryne...

I bought Ryne her first pair of heels...kitten heels to be exact.  I thought she would get a kick out of getting to wear them to church.  Well she loves them and wears them all the time!  She looks so cute but a little too grown up!  She walks really slow in them which is a nice change from her sprint that she usually does though!  :)