Saturday, August 29, 2015

New routine...

We love our new neighborhood!  We love that we can walk Ryne to and from school every day…so cool!
 Reese is always so so excited to pick up Ryne!  She loves and misses her big sis!
 Ryne rides her scooter most mornings.  She loves the hills!   ;)
 Once we get back from dropping off Ryne, we play!  The front yard is pretty much all shaded so we enjoy it while it lasts!

One of Reese's favorite things to do is to hide chalk like Easter Eggs.  She is so stinkin' cute!

 She also likes riding down our little slope…as long as I am there to catch her!  ;)

We love running around the house in socks too!  Pretty much anything I can do with this little ball of joy I am all for it!  ;)

Monday, August 24, 2015

1st day of Second Grade!

And just like that, summer is over and my big girl is back at school!  I stayed up kinda late trying to make her first day back special.  New school (for the 3rd year) can be rough, but she handled it fabulously!

Too big too fast!

 She was like 90% excited...

 Love this silly willy!

 Of course little sis had to get in on the action too!

 and thankfully we remembered the shirt another year!  Whew!

Then it was off to school...

Mrs. Weighat
Mrs. Hubbard
Reese was so so sad saying bye to Ryne.  Ryne was sad too…but she held it together like a champ!

love this precious 2nd grader with all my heart!
 This little girl was heartbroken...

 Reese and I missed Ryne terribly and were so excited to pick her up!
 All that excitement wore Reese out though!  This was her once we got home!  :)
 The first day fun didn't end there…Ryne got to go to her first soccer practice with her new team!  The fields are amazing!
 Reese got in on some of the action...
 Woohoo!  Way to go Ryne!
 We ended the night with cake, because why not?!
Happy 1st day of 2nd grade baby girl!  I love you all the way to the moon and back!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Weekend getaway!

We decided to go on a last little summer getaway to San Antonio!  The girls were excited!  Our first stop once we got there was the swimming pool!  ;)

 Then after swimming we cleaned up before heading to the Riverwalk for dinner at their favorite place…
After dinner we walked around and Reese sported her hat the whole time!  ;)

 I love these crazy people!

 We did a little sightseeing before getting some frozen yogurt...

 It was the perfect night!  The next morning we were up bright and early for 6 flags with 2 excited girls!

 Ryne was so brave and even rode the Batman ride!  We had to wait in line about an hour and she almost talked herself out of it a couple of times…but she did it and LOVED it!
 This girl likes the calmer rides!  ;)

 Both girls LOVE the water raft rides!  We got pretty soaked!

 So worth it to see this face though!

 We were worn out after that day of fun!  We grabbed dinner and headed back for baths and bedtime!  The next morning we were back at the pool as soon as it opened!  ;)

We swam and let the girls get some morning energy out before loading up in the car.  It was a really fun weekend away before getting back in the swing of school!