Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June fun...

We started off our June with a little garage sale action.  Ryne and Reese dressed themselves.  Reese was looking pretty fancy to sit outside selling junk!  
The early morning wore her out and she was found like this mid afternoon!
 Silliness happens a lot!  This took place at lunch after church one day!
 We also got to hang out with some cute boys!
Ryne loved holding Tiller!  She will be an awesome big sis!

 Ryne LOVES to help cook and can make some yummy eggs!

We spend most of our time outside, preferably around water!  So my girls almost always have on a swimsuit under their clothes!

 We are trying to do a little "school" every day…some days it just doesn't take priority though!
 but we are always up for playdates with friends!

 Ryne and Zoey were super fast sack racers!

 We made a quick trip to Dallas on Saturday and noticed we all had on purple!  ;)
 We got to eat lunch with Pops and GranJan while we were there!
 and we made a stop by FC Dallas' field!  So cool for our little soccer player to see!

And we may watch a bit too much American Ninja Warrior!  

 They climb the poll anytime they can!
 If there isn't a poll, well then a car will do!
 We love swimming with friends too!  Check out the cuties carrying their own weight!  ;)

We did dry off some to play at the park too :)
 mmmmm….Jeremy was out of town so we had a little Sam's for dinner!
 and seriously…this kid is too much!  Love her so much!

We are off to a great summer so far with lots more adventures ahead!  ;)

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