Monday, June 29, 2015

BIG news!

The Francis' are on the move…again!  We spent pretty much every weekend in June house hunting in the Houston area!I feel the need to mention the fact that my girls are total troopers in the car.  3 out of 4 weekends in June were spent driving 7+ hours to Houston and 7+ hours back.  Several of the + turned into additional hours because of flooding, rock slides, and just lots of traffic.  Lovely.  They handled it better then I did though!  ;)

We tried to have some fun mixed in with the house hunting...
 and most places had a sweet or two to give the girls!

 We took Phoebe and Star with us most of the time but our big girl had to go to the kennel.  The girls were always so happy to get her back!
 This was our last weekend house hunting.  I think the girls were over it!  lol!

 all is well when you get Chuey's for dinner though!  ;)

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