Saturday, July 11, 2015

a typical summer week...

I like to keep my girls busy!  They are happier getting to see and do new things (or old favorites).  We enjoy the occasional lazy day at home too, but when your house is on the market it is way easier to stay out as much as possible!  ;)  So this week was all about getting them out of the house!  First up - Museum!
 Ryne got to hold new baby Esli and was in LOVE!

 of course no trip would be complete without a stop by the gift shop!  My girls love their souvenirs!  They both tried on these silly masks before picking out yet another stuffed animal!  

 The museum was on OU campus…so we had to stop for a quick pic to show our Longhorn love!  ;)
 We've also had to take the dogs with us some days and that can be interesting!  On this day we decided to walk them at the park because it wasn't very hot at all.  It was an experience!  ha!

 After all that hard work we headed for some Orange Leaf!  We had to eat it outside because the dogs were still hanging out in the car.  

 We also spend some time shopping!  I mean, we are 3 girls left to our own devices...

 and then sometimes this gets to happen…it may be my favorite!
 We frequent the Zoo a lot too!  Its a great way to spend the afternoon!  We have yet to see everything on the same day but I just let them decided what we do.  They like being in "charge" and it really doesn't matter to me!  lol!

 Both of the girls were soaked in the water area!  It was so hot…I kinda wanted to join them!  ha!

 and then the car ride home looks like this...

That sums up a typical week.  Throw in a messy playroom and you about have what makes my girls happy!

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