Sunday, July 19, 2015

Mud Run fun…for me!

before on top and after on bottom!
I got to run with some pretty awesome ladies in a pretty fun mud run.  It was a 3k with all kinds of cool obstacles.  Made us feel super powerful!  ;)

getting sprayed by the firemen!
 We had a blast!  We crawled through muddy tunnels, up muddy hills, ran through fields and streams, climbed over walls, up inverted walls…it was hard but so fun.  Then one obstacle got me.  "Monkey bars", which was really a 20 foot  2x4 over an "muddy ice bath".  It tore my hands up!

 This picture that I borrowed ;) was right after the monkey bars.  I'm just realizing what it did to my hands! ha!

 then rest of the day was spent hanging with my little loved while Daddy golfed.  They wanted to get in a little exercise too!  ;)

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