Friday, July 17, 2015

Tag alongs...

Jeremy made a trip to LR, so of course we had to tag along!  It is always fun taking Ryne back to where she was born!  Our first thing to do once we got to AR…go swimming!

 We had a blast swimming and then air dried for a bit before going back to our room.
 Next up…dinner with the McNabs!  Of course with 5 kids that means CFA!  ;)  We had a blast seeing them and letting our kiddos play!  It was like no time had passed with them!

a bunch of goofballs!
 The next morning we headed to Hot Springs to check out the museum.  I can remember field trips to this museum so it was really neat to take the girls!  My mom, Beth and her crew, and LeaAnna and her girls met us there!

A bunch of cousins on a hammock!

Reese (kinda), Mallory, Adelyn, and Ryne.  Ryne and Adelyn were first friends!  I think they had their first play date at 3 and 7 weeks old!  We miss the Sanders SO much!
 The girls of the day!
 After playing their hearts out we headed to lunch.  Ryne and Ava entertained themselves!
Then we piled all the grandkids on a couch with GiGi!
 we chatted for awhile outside and this happened.  My girls really do love each other!  ;)
 sweet cousins...
After that it was time to pick J up and head home!  It was a great but fast trip!

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