Saturday, September 20, 2014

Zoo play date!

**  Ryne helped me with this blog and added a few of her own comments**

Ryne was out of school (they seem to be out a lot here!  lol!), so we met some friends at the Zoo for a fun day!  It was warm but not too bad.  We enjoyed visiting with our friends!
Ryne and Jet hanging with the monkeys!
They have an area where you can pet and feed the stingrays…the kids loved that!
the sting ray were slimy and  funny reese love them to and me ryne       

 Of course no trip to the Zoo is complete without feeding the birds!

i guess  now reese like the birds 
 Next we headed to the kid's area…

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! That looks fun!
They have a fun little creek area.  We spent a lot of time there!

 Of course we have to pose on any and all statues!
I'm glad that's not a snapping turtle!

 Then we went to pet some animals.  Reese gave them lots of loving!

 Sweet friends!
 Then it was time for home!  This is what my backseat looked like after I got down loading the stroller! ha!
I guess we wore Reese out!
 That night the girls enjoyed some sleepy snuggles with Daddy!
when we got home daddy and ryne and reese rest and i got to worck yay  

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